Mrs. Griz    

Hey Everyone!

I hope you are having a fabulous week!

I wanted to give you a list of your assignments this week to make sure we are all on the same page:

1. Print out your grades on engrade and have your parent sign somewhere on the page that they saw your average.

Thanks! :)

2. No VOCAB this week. Take a break :)

3. Complete "The Old Man and the Sea" quiz by clicking here and submitting the answers online. Do not use help form anything for your answers please. Complete the quiz with integrity.

4. Write a five-paragraph essay (1st Draft) discussing three major themes in the novella "Old Man and the Sea."

       -start with prewriting

       -we will have student/teacher conferences with your first draft in class so make sure you have it with you!

       -remember to use the peer edit sheet you have as a tool.

       -don't forget to properly punctuate quotations in the following way:

" This is an example of a quote from the novella" (p. 45).

If I have left something out leave a comment here....Also, if you have any questions, concerns etc....Please call, or email me!

See you on Monday!

Hey Guys,
No quiz on Old Man tomorrow in case you were wondering, BUT we will have a graded discussion! See you in the morning!

Hey Everyone!

I wanted to give you just a little recap of some of the advice I gave in class about writing a compare and contrast paper. Remember I called it a "mini essay" because I just want you to write a few paragraphs (1-2 pgs double spaced) comparing and contrasting "To Build a Fire" and "The Most Dangerous Game." Here's an outline of the paragraphs.

Intro Paragraph: Give a basic introduction to the two stories and generally point out that there are similarities and differences between the two (that is essentially your thesis, or main idea for the paper).

Paragraph Two: Similarities- In a paragraph highlight some of the similarities between the two stories. Transition to your next paragraph.

Paragraph Three:Differences- In a paragraph highlight how the stories are different from each other. (You can reverse the order if you would rather write about the differences first.)

Conclusion: In a paragraph sum up you main ideas and suggest why it might be helpful to read or study the two stories together.

Use the Venn Diagram to get your thoughts organized. If you need some further help with Comparing/Contrasting here is a useful link from the University of North Carolina's Writing Center. Please don't hesitate to ask me for help if you have questions.

Are you enjoying your last few days of summer? I hope you have had a good break from schoolwork and that you are refreshed and ready to hit the books ;).
I am really looking forward to getting to know you all this Monday, I feel like this is going to be a really great class!

Make sure you get a chance to sign up for your engrade account, purchase your Journals (you WILL need those on the first day) and track down a vocabulary book.

Feel free to leave a comment here and tell us what the best part of your summer was...
See you all very soon!

    Class Blog

    This is the place to get all the info on what's going in Composition and Literature A!

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    Commenting is fun! You are always allowed to comment on any blog post even if it is not an assignment. Here are some guidelines for posting:

    1. Proofread your post. Make sure you have everything spelled and punctuated correctly before posting.
    2. Make corrections. If you notice a mistake you can 'fix' it by posting an additional comment with an *and the correction.
    3. Be considerate, insightful, positive, helpful, and polite.
    4. Only use your first name. This is a public website so it is a good idea to simply use your first name.


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